Feb. 23, 2024Friday money Saving for a rainy day How to recession-proof your retirement nest egg Deanah Jibril, DO, MS, MBA, shares strategies that physicians can employ to help them prepare for a possible recession.
Sept. 13, 2023Wednesday Vacation Out of office The doctor is out: How much vacation time do physicians need? Developing a work-life balance is an essential part of avoiding physician burnout, but navigating time off and work responsibilities can be challenging.
June 2, 2023Friday artificial intelligence The cons of AI Artificial intelligence: Why it doesn’t belong in medicine With the rise of artificial intelligence, health care professionals will inevitably encounter AI. Deanah Jibril, DO, MS, MBA, discusses why she believes AI use should be limited by health care professionals.
Feb. 1, 2023Wednesday careerDO & student voices Moving on from medicine 5 ways to know you are ready for a career change It may be that the golden days of practicing medicine how we were trained have come and gone for some of us. Career Moves By Deanah Jibril, DO, MS, MBA