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Drawing of A.T. Still, DO, MD, delights at Michigan Osteopathic Association office

Todd Ross, MOA communications manager, puts his caricature skills to good use in capturing a lighthearted portrait of the profession’s founder.

Recently, Todd Ross, a communications manager at the Michigan Osteopathic Association (MOA), took a quick break at work to show off his caricature skills by completing a quick sketch of A.T. Still, DO, MD. The drawing delighted many at the MOA, so the organization shared it with the AOA and also created the short sketch video featured above. Below is an earlier version of the caricature.

A caricature of A.T. Still, MD, DO, by Todd Ross, MOA communications manager

Todd Ross joined MOA in 2014 as the manager of communications and is responsible for various tasks related to communications and the management of digital platforms used by the MOA. A graduate of Michigan State University, where he completed a multidisciplinary degree that included public policy and communication arts, Todd has been in the association industry for over 15 years.

He has been interested in art, and specifically caricature, since middle school where he “communicated” to his teachers through his art. His white board drawing of Dr. Still took less than two minutes to complete. Photographs of a bust of Dr. Still (Andy) are often featured on the various MOA social media platforms as a way to promote osteopathic medicine and connect with DOs.


  1. Jason Haxton, Director - Museum of Ost. Medicine

    Dr. A.T. Still was an innovative thinker and honest observer of the human body. His philosophy on health is standard medicine today!

    But… he didn’t have a model’s good looks… he is described by a faculty member Dr. E.E. Tucker, DO as followes: “Two things about Still’s appearance I never did get used to, often as I saw them. One was the bulge of that forehead, like the bud end of a watermelon.  Such a forehead could hardly escape being sunburned, but this too faded to a dusky hue, a matter of age as well as atmosphere no
    doubt – over which feathery strands of iron gray hair played under the wide brim of his black felt hat. His face upon closer inspection was wrinkled like a piece of old silk. The wrinkles at the outer corners of his eyes were numerous and humorous.

    The other was the unbelievable aquilinity of the nose [having the curved or hooked shape of an eagle’s beak]. They harmonized with each other of course and were not ordinarily noticeable, until some trick of posture or background threw them into relief. His mustache helped to – shall I say normalize — his nose. His pointed beard was leveled out in front of him. And mustache and beard kept nose and forehead in harmony.”

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