Media update

Osteopathic medicine in the news: Jan. 20, 2021

Medscape, the Chicago Tribune and Medpage Today recently featured DOs or osteopathic medicine in their news coverage.


Placing DOs in top-tier news stories and broadcast interviews has long been an AOA priority. Expert physician sources weigh in on the news of the day, as well as contribute research and perspective that sets the news.

If you are interested in being featured as an expert physician source in content produced by respected news outlets, please email [email protected]. Where possible, we will try to match your expertise with the needs of the media.

The following is a sampling of recent articles that feature DOs or osteopathic medicine. The AOA helped place DOs in some of these articles; others solicited a DO source without the AOA’s involvement. This is the first article in a new series sharing recent news coverage that features DOs or osteopathic medicine. Additional news stories that feature DOs or osteopathic medicine are available here.

Medscape: A feature on the first tribally affiliated medical school in the United States, the Oklahoma State University (OSU) College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation, which opened last fall, quoted first-year student Ashton Glover Gatewood.

“When I first read in the paper that OSU and the Cherokee Nation were starting this school, I knew I had to be a part of it,” Gatewood said. “I want to help the Native community and know, as a physician, I’ll have a larger platform and voice.”

Chicago Tribune: This article about the emotional and physical toll of the pandemic on front-line workers features ICU physician Paul Wucka, DO, who discusses the difficulty of isolating himself from his family to keep them safe.

“Any type of aerosol generating procedure, including CPR, can spread COVID. Even though I was wearing (personal protection gear), I had this fear of getting my family sick,” he said. “So, for those first six weeks, I separated myself from my family.”

MedPage Today: An article about the significant increase in medical school applications this year quotes Jed Brinton, AOA vice president of accreditation. Brinton discussed the accreditation requirements for class size increases at colleges of osteopathic medicine.

“A planned class size increase is viewed as a substantive change by the COCA [Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation], which requires prior application to and approval by COCA,” Brinton wrote in an email.

TODAY/Yahoo!: In an article about a popular new workout, Dennis Cardone, DO, sports medicine specialist and chief of primary care sports medicine at NYU Langone Health, said that people be cautious about adopting this workout.

Commenting on the fact that the 12-3-30 workout’s creator initially struggled with it, he said: “If someone is working that hard with this workout and they are a 20-something, young and healthy, and they are struggling, you see it was a pretty significant workout. It’s just too much too soon and it should really have a recovery day as well.”

The Healthy/MSN: An article about how different populations should approach the COVID-19 vaccine quoted a physician who cited a December statement from the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The statement recommended that pregnant women and lactating women get the vaccine.

Related reading:

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