whole-person care Compendium of behavioral health integration resources now available The compendium aims to provide detailed information on the steps required for physicians to integrate behavioral health into their practices, along with links to additional resources. Jan. 6, 2021Wednesday The DO Staff Contact The DO Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email The Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Compendium provides accessible, detailed information on the steps required for physicians to integrate behavioral health into their practices. You can download the full compendium or read a high-level overview of its contents. The AOA is part of the BHI Collaborative, a group of eight medical associations that worked together to create the compendium. Additional associations involved include: American Medical Association, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Physicians, American Osteopathic Association and the American Psychiatric Association. The BHI Collaborative has also provided a webinar series titled Overcoming Obstacles, which explains how physicians can incorporate the behavioral health care lessons of the compendium into their practices during COVID-19 and beyond. More in Newsbriefs Free holistic residency application review platform will soon be available for residency programs that use ERAS Cortex, an AI-enabled platform, is designed to provide technology-assisted holistic review by streamlining application screening and review. AOA’s research grants workshop will guide applicants through funding process The Nov. 14 workshop will cover important topics such as RFA/NOFOs and available funding amounts. Previous articleIn Memoriam: Jan. 6, 2021 Next articleUpcoming webinars cover COVID-19 vaccines at work and E/M coding changes
Free holistic residency application review platform will soon be available for residency programs that use ERAS Cortex, an AI-enabled platform, is designed to provide technology-assisted holistic review by streamlining application screening and review.
AOA’s research grants workshop will guide applicants through funding process The Nov. 14 workshop will cover important topics such as RFA/NOFOs and available funding amounts.