It’s a Match Final DO Match Day produces more than 500 primary care residents Primary care specialties account for more than half of matches, with orthopedic surgery leading specialty placements. Feb. 4, 2019Monday AOA Staff Contact AOA Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email More than 500 new osteopathic physicians participating in the final AOA Match placed into primary care residencies, with a total of 886 osteopathic medical school seniors and recent graduates receiving placements in 21 specialties, the AOA announced today. The AOA Match has operated in its current form since 1995. It was preceded by an osteopathic intern placement system that began in the 1950s. Primary care emphasis Slightly more than 19 percent of graduating osteopathic medical students—of the anticipated 6876—joined approximately 296 past DO graduates to participate in this year’s AOA Match. Some 54 percent of participants matched into residency programs. Specialty choices in today’s Match results align with the osteopathic profession’s historic emphasis on careers in primary care, with 56 percent choosing family and internal medicine. Find more Match details about specific programs here. The top five specialties by number of matches are below. AOA 2019 Matches by specialty Specialty 2019 Matches Percent of total Match by specialty Family medicine 304 34% Internal medicine 197 22% Orthopedic surgery 107 12% General surgery 65 7% Emergency medicine 54 6% Other specialties 159 18% In all, 380 positions were filled in non-primary care specialties and 390 positions were not filled through the initial Match process. Historically, many of these positions are filled after the Match announcement. Transition to a single GME accreditation program The AOA Match is ending as the AOA and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) wind down the fourth year of a five-year transition to a single accreditation system for graduate medical education. To date, 80 percent of all osteopathic training positions have transitioned to ACGME accreditation, with additional positions expected over the next 17 months. DOs have historically been able to choose between multiple matches for post-graduate placement. In the single accreditation system, most DO and MD students will participate in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), in which participants will have the opportunity to choose residency programs that received osteopathic recognition from the ACGME Osteopathic Principles Committee. As the transition to a single GME accreditation system continues, more AOA programs and osteopathic medical students are choosing to participate in just the NRMP match, which last year saw all-time highs in the number of osteopathic medical students and graduates who participated and successfully matched. Further reading: What the final AOA Match means for DO students More in Training Being a first-generation student doesn’t end in medical school: A call for more research and support after undergrad While first-generation students often have significant resources to draw from in undergrad, many of those resources are not available for FG med students. A group of DO students aims to change that. AOBS and ABS collaborate on metabolic and bariatric surgery exam Beginning next year, AOBS-certified surgeons will be able to achieve a designation recognizing their dedication to caring for patients with obesity. Previous articleFree webinar: Get a handle on processing fees Next articleTo post or not to post? That is the question for DOs on social media
Being a first-generation student doesn’t end in medical school: A call for more research and support after undergrad While first-generation students often have significant resources to draw from in undergrad, many of those resources are not available for FG med students. A group of DO students aims to change that.
AOBS and ABS collaborate on metabolic and bariatric surgery exam Beginning next year, AOBS-certified surgeons will be able to achieve a designation recognizing their dedication to caring for patients with obesity.