News in Brief

Navy veteran DO is serving as President Donald Trump’s physician

Navy veteran Sean Conley, DO, became the acting White House physician in March and will replace Ronny Jackson, MD.

Navy veteran Sean Conley, DO, became the acting White House physician in March and will replace Ronny Jackson, MD, according to multiple news reports citing White House officials. Dr. Conley might be the first DO to serve as White House physician.

Dr. Conley graduated from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2006 and completed a Navy emergency medicine residency program at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth in Virginia in 2013. As a resident, Dr. Conley received multiple awards, including the Nurses’ Choice Award for Outstanding Senior Resident Award, the Resident Research Award and the Honor Graduate Award.

After residency, Dr. Conley served as head of trauma for a NATO Multinational Medical Unit in Afghanistan; his team was recognized by the Romanian Army for saving the lives of several Romanian soldiers following a bomb blast in 2014.


  1. Connie Nickels

    The DO’s are fantastic Doctors! Glad to see one severing this administration. Thank you President Trump!

  2. Richard Chmielewski

    It is wonderful to see our D.O.s accomplishing so much and, as a result, providing excellent care and letting the public know about us! Congratulations Dr. Conley!

  3. James J. Castle, DO, FAOAO

    Very impressed and proud to see such a fine DO physician serving in this capacity! Also, thank you Dr. Conley for your military service!

    1. martin wensrich

      I served with a C Simpson on the USS JFK 1973 – 1975. Are you the same person? Send me an email if so. Martin Wensrich

  4. Nemo

    Nice to read. Will The DO plan to do an interview in the future with him? It would be nice to get a glimpse of his job now and dealing with COVID-19, his thoughts on hydroxychloroquine and recommending it to president Trump, etc.

  5. Robert J. Blok, Sr., D.O., FAOCA, COL, USA (Ret)

    Gloria Borger from CNN said on TV, ” We need to hear from a real doctor. This doctor Conley “Is just an osteopath!!”
    I heard it myself.
    An apology should be forthcoming to all the D.O.’s who have worn the uniform and served.

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