News in brief What advice would you give a brand-new resident? The DO is collecting advice for new residents, who will be beginning their journeys in a few short weeks. June 14, 2017Wednesday The DO Staff Contact The DO Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email In a few short weeks, a new crop of DO residents will be beginning their journeys. The DO is collecting advice for them from seasoned residents and DOs who’ve graduated from their residency training. What advice did you receive before residency that helped you the most? What’s a piece of advice you wish someone had told you before you started? If you were starting residency over again, what’s the one thing you would do differently? Please email [email protected] or leave a comment below. Many thanks! More in Newsbriefs Free holistic residency application review platform will soon be available for residency programs that use ERAS Cortex, an AI-enabled platform, is designed to provide technology-assisted holistic review by streamlining application screening and review. AOA’s research grants workshop will guide applicants through funding process The Nov. 14 workshop will cover important topics such as RFA/NOFOs and available funding amounts. Previous articleWhat physicians need to know about sarcoidosis Next articleAdvice for incoming residents: 8 tips on professionalism, work-life balance, and more
Free holistic residency application review platform will soon be available for residency programs that use ERAS Cortex, an AI-enabled platform, is designed to provide technology-assisted holistic review by streamlining application screening and review.
AOA’s research grants workshop will guide applicants through funding process The Nov. 14 workshop will cover important topics such as RFA/NOFOs and available funding amounts.