News in Brief DO represents the AOA at briefing on arthritis’ impact on veterans Partnership with the Arthritis Foundation is the AOA’s latest effort at increasing the profession’s visibility on Capitol Hill. Feb. 25, 2016Thursday The DO Staff Contact The DO Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Topics patient careveterans Earlier this month, Steve Sampson, DO, who practices in Los Angeles, spoke at a briefing on Capitol Hill about the impact of arthritis on veterans as the leading cause of disability. One out of every three veterans and service members in the United States lives with arthritis, according to a report from the Arthritis Foundation. The briefing resulted from a partnership between the AOA and the Arthritis Foundation. Additionally, AOA President John W. Becher, DO, co-authored an editorial in The Hill about the need to allocate funding for arthritis research in order to identify better treatment protocols for veterans. This collaboration is the AOA’s latest effort to secure increased visibility of DOs in the nation’s capitol. Ensuring high quality health care for veterans and other special populations is a key strategic priority for the AOA and its public policy efforts. Download the Arthritis Foundation’s brochure to learn more about the impact arthritis has on service members and veterans. Previous article'A heart for reaching out’: Meet DOs and students working to reduce minority health disparities Next articleAOA Town Hall: DOs in Medicare should consider Meaningful Use hardship exception