News in Brief AOA supports national advocacy efforts impacting medical education Students and medical educators can lend their voice to school issues being considered by Congress through AACOM’s ED to MED campaign. Feb. 2, 2016Tuesday The DO Staff Contact The DO Staff Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Topics medical school As Congress negotiates the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine launches its ED to MED national advocacy campaign. The campaign, which is supported by the AOA, offers students, medical educators and other advocates an opportunity to raise the profile of issues vital to osteopathic medical education. The Higher Education Act governs federal student financial aid programs. Many of these programs impact medical and other graduate and professional student loans and repayment options. The ED to MED campaign provides a unique platform for the medical education community to take action on federal policy changes that impact them by: Joining virtual town halls. Writing letters to their elected officials. Spreading the word on social media. Visit to register or for more information. Previous articleCommunity-based lifestyle interventions show impact in diabetes care Next articleIn Memoriam: Feb. 3, 2016