March 29, 2024Friday moral injury Mental health Confronting burnout and moral injury in medicine Regarding burnout in medicine, “I knew there was more to the story than the frustration of dealing with administrative obstacles,” writes Jerry Balentine, DO.
Nov. 1, 2022Tuesday medical educationprofessional development Ask a leader How important are extracurriculars in med school? Our advice columnist answers a DO’s question about preparing a professional bio and a student’s question about extracurricular activities. Ask Dr. Balentine By Jerry Balentine, DO
Aug. 1, 2022Monday Ask a leader What should I consider when preparing my Match rank list? Our advice columnist answers a DO’s question about retirement and a student’s question about preparing their Match rank list. Ask Dr. Balentine By Jerry Balentine, DO
June 1, 2022Wednesday Ask Dr. Balentine Ask a leader How will taking a year off of medical school impact my Match prospects? Our advice columnist answers a DO’s question about burnout and changing jobs and a student’s question about taking a break from medical school. Ask Dr. Balentine By Jerry Balentine, DO
Feb. 1, 2022Tuesday Ask A LeadercareerleadershipMBAMHAosteopathic medical education Ask A Leader Physician leadership: How do I move from practicing medicine into an administrative role? Our advice columnist answers a DO’s question about advancing one’s career and a student’s question about dual-degree programs at COMs. Ask Dr. Balentine By Jerry Balentine, DO